
What is Convergence?

“Convergence” represents the intentional blending or “converging” of the three historic streams of the church, Sacramental, Evangelical, Pentecostal.


We form people in contemplative lives and worship through sign and symbol. Models to people how to acknowledge the mystery, majesty and sovereignty of God.


We form people in Biblical literacy and a Biblical worldview. This trains people to turn to God’s Word for ultimate truth.


We form people by helping them recognize the voice and leading of the Holy Spirit.

Each of the three streams form us in a unique way. The convergence of the streams provides a trinitarian approach to spiritual formation, emphasizing equally Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

  • The sacramental stream has an emphasis on God the father, the majesty of God, the mystery of sign and symbol. We must take seriously the biblical call to the sacramental life, recognizing that baptism is the necessary counterpart to interior faith, and that the Lord’s Supper is an indispensable counterpart to preaching the Word.

  • The evangelical stream puts an emphasis of Christ the Son, having a personal relationship with God by trusting in Jesus Christ. The is a focus on the reading and study of scripture as the inspired word of God. The church must be a community immersed in and living by the Word of God.

  • The pentecostal stream emphasizes the Holy Spirit, the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives, and gifts of the Spirit in the church. The Holy Spirit empowers us to be witnesses of Christ to the world (Acts 1:8). We need to form people with an awareness of the Spirit and the Spirit’s power which infuses our individual lives.*

Spiritual formation in a church community embracing convergence of these streams provides:

  • A holistic approach to the Christian life through Scripture, Spirit and Sacrament

  • Reinforces the unity nature of God who is three in one as well as embracing the whole church.

  • A consistency with the Hebrew Shema that God is one as well the prayer of Jesus in John 17 that we would be one.

* For more on the three streams, see Gordan T Smith, Evangelical, Sacramental, Pentecostal, pg. 18