About the Diocese

We are a group of “convergent” churches in the United States partnering together in order to care for and support one another in our mission to spread the life-giving message of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We believe that we can accomplish more for the Kingdom of God, by the power of the Holy Spirit, when we join together in a common cause for Christ. Our diocese is part of a broader group of churches and dioceses known as the CEEC (Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches).

What is the Diocese of Redemption?

As the Diocese of Redemption, we are really passionate about:


We are passionate to see the whole body of Christ with its many historic expressions of worship joined together as one. Too often the Church has settled for uniformity rather than true unity in diversity. We have gravitated toward churches and/or denominations that fit our own personality and preferences, and in doing so we have often missed so many of the diverse gifts God has given his people. Our desire is to break down some of these long-standing walls and see Christians of all backgrounds coming together to worship God in one voice for the advancement of the kingdom of Jesus Christ.


We are passionate about incorporating the unique strengths of each historic stream of Christianity into the worship of our churches. Our churches are evangelical, faithful to teach God’s word, passionate about seeing people come to know the gospel of Christ. Our churches are sacramental, believing that there is real transformative power in the sacred elements that have been central in the church for two millenniums. Our churches are pentecostal, ever seeking the presence and power of the Holy Spirit among us.


We are passionate about our inheritance as the Church. We are part of a rich historic tradition that many Christians have become disconnected from. We want to recover this ancient faith. And yet, we are also passionate about our future as the Church. We are not stuck in the past, but rather aim to bring the past forward with us in creative and innovative ways. Our churches, while grounded in a rich tradition, have the freedom and flexibility to contextualize their services in a way that can uniquely serve their communities.

Churches Helping Churches

In all, the Diocese of Redemption is a group of churches that serve one another.

We care for each other; we support each other. We often meet together for fellowship; we often partner together for missions. We develop training and resources to enable churches to grow spiritually and numerically. We provide crisis care for churches going through difficult times.

We believe churches were never meant to be alone in their mission. If you are a church leader who has a passion similar to ours, and looking for fellowship with other pastors, please contact us.